
Duty Free

HM Customs & Excise.

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Duty Free

Note: Spain's Mainland and Baleric Islands are in the EU, but the Canary Islands are treated as being outside of the EU for the Duty Free section. 

The following items may be imported into the UK without incurring customs duty by travellers aged 17 years and over arriving

Arriving in UK

  • 200 cigarettes  or   100 cigarillos  or  50 cigars or 250g of tobacco; or  200 sticks of tobacco for electronic heated tobacco devices
  • 42 litres of Beer
  • 4 litre of alcoholic beverages stronger than 22% alcohol  OR  4 litres of fortified or sparkling wine or other liqueurs under 22% alcohol
  • 18 litres of still table wine
  • 50g of perfume
  • 250ml of toilet wate
  • Other goods including souvenirs up to the value of £145.

Prohibited/restricted items:

Prohibited items include:

firearms, drugs Knives, rough diamonds, and pornography. And meat and dairy products from most non-EU countries

Some food & Plants  not grown in the EU


The UK is one of the few regions of the world completely free of rabies and, until recently, all cats and dogs imported into the country had to spend 6 months in quarantine. To bring animals and birds into the UK, an import licence must be obtained at least 6 months in advance. Some animals may now qualify for the PET Travel Scheme (PETS) and can be brought into the UK without being put into quarantine. At present, this is limited to certain travel carriers and animals. Severe penalties are imposed on persons attempting to smuggle domestic animals into the country. An illegally imported animal is liable to be destroyed.

For further information about importing animals, contact the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Area 201, 1A Page Street, London SWIP 4PQ (website: www.defra.gov.uk/animalh/quarantine/index.htm); or the PETS helpline (tel: (0870) 241 1710; fax: (020) 7904 6206; e mail: pets.helpline@defra.gsi.gov.uk) or the nearest British mission abroad.